Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Where's Engelbert? (Online Edition)

The rules of Where's Engelbert? are as follows;

Look at the attached photos.
In each photo featured a monkey is located therein.
On discovery of the cheeky blighter, you must proclaim in a loud voice "There's Engelbert!"
Sounds simple, however this particular primate has used the spectacular scenery of Val T, and, dare I say some amazingly good looking models to distract you from locating him!! So you may need to be on top of your game to find him.

Happy hunting!!!


DISCLAIMER: The producers of "Where's Engelbert" accept no responsibility for any medical conditions derrived from participating in this passtime, including headaches, eyestrain, or a condition affecting some players called Engelbertitis (symptoms include seeing lots of Engelberts where -to none sufferers- there clearly are none, and screaming "There's Engelbert" at bus stops).

The "Where's Engelbert?" phrase and all image rights associated with "Engelbert Monkeydink" are protected under worldwide copyright (including Australia), and must not be used without prior permission from the owners "Amylicious" and "Jonesy". (Serious now. DON'T go borrowing this game to your mates down the pub!)


Mr Sprout said...

1) There's Engelbert
2) There's Engelbert
3) There's Engelbert
4) There's Engelbert
5) There's Engelbert
6) There's Engelbert
7) There's Engelbert
8) There's Engelbert.... no wait that's a pint of Kronenbourg.... nope... where is he! Oh there's Engelbert!!!!!

jonesy said...

Nice one Sprout.
Aparently, later on in the evening, after Mrs Monkeydink had left the pub, Engelbert took it on himself to play a special game of Where's Engelbert with the barmaid.
He could be heard declaring loudly "Here's Engelbert!!", and had to be ejected from the pub.

Luckily for Engelbert, and any alimony claims lodged against him, no photographic evidence is available, and any questions put to Engelbert about the incident are dismissed as heresay and conjecture.
The cheeky monkey!!